Sunday is not just like any other day. Its a special day. Its a new day with new things to be achieved
To some people, Sundays mean sleeping in, cooking, watching film, maybe do laundry, call that friend you haven't talk to in a while, make a nice dinner with someone special, and then enjoy the night before returning to work the next day as the case may be.
There are other refreshing things you could do on a Sunday morning
1. When you wake up, ask your self how do you feel this morning:
This is very important, most people are are used to jumping out of the bed immediately there hear the alarm. But instead, take time to ask yourself how do you feel. Questions like, how does my body feel, are you feeling OK, are you hungry, do you feel stressed out, do you feel energized etc.
2. always pray:
Start every day of your life with prayers, put your daily activities in the hands of the creator of heaven and earth.
3. Make sure you do something else apart from touching your phone:
We all have this bad habit of waking up and the next thing we do is go straight for our phones, that's the worst way to start your day. Instead of picking your phone, Go do something else. Anything to refresh your soul.
4. Go outside:
Early in the morning, going outside is the fastest way to get "in tune" for the day. What kind of day is it? What is this day asking for from you? Is it gonna be a stressful day? Or is it a c
Stress free day? Going outside gets you out of the "familiar" energy of your living space and in touch with the day itself. And once you know what kind of day it is, you need to ask yourself how you can interact with that type of day to get done what you still need to get done.
5. Clean and get clean:
Whatever is messiest in your life, you need to clean it. Kitchen? Clean it. Desktop?. As someone who absolutely despises cleaning, I have learned that the cleaning process really doesn't take that long. Especially when you do it on a regular basis. Make it a habit, and keep your life in order.
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