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Gud pm guys, so how it began… On Friday night I went to club with my guys in my city so while clubbing there was this girl that was dancing like mad so I got interested to her because of the way she dances and suddenly she came to me and was dancing with me and mostly me alone.
So after a while a friend of mine took me outside the club room, when we came back she asked me where I went I smiled though I took a lot of time outside almost an hour (pple come dey think say na me carry the babe come).
She continued rocking me esp when guys were coming to dance with her and she refused anyway to cut the long story short I went to my Lodge in school that morning with her after the club.
(I knw no weda na Olosho she be kwa oo) we spent the night together and yes we did the thing so in the morning we were gisting so she asked if I had a girlfriend I said no and I asked her also she said no and somehow somehow I asked her to be my gurl and she accepted…
Through out the day she didn’t leave… She was with me all day Saturday (I fed her) so I told her I was travelling that night and she wasn’t happy and I told her I will call her when I return so we left the lodge together and went separate ways….
Fast forward to today afternoon she called me with my roommates number (I didn’t even know she was the one)later when I knew she asked whr I was I told her I’m still in owerri and might be coming back tomorrow and she said she is in the house in other to hear clearly so I asked where again she said my Lodge…. I wasn’t happy I just said okay thinking that she came to take the top she left in my room…
We hung up….. So fast forward to this night I suspected something and I called my roommate and he told me she has in our room with since noon that she just went out and she told him she might be coming back(I shouted) and he also told me that she came with a small bag with some cloths in it…..
The girl in person is a dancer like she told me and that she stays in the hostel inside the school premise while I stay off campus…
Guys I’m really confused , I don’t know what to do next as I’m now planning to go back early in the morning to have a real talk with her if she will be in my room…. Guys abeg help me out with ideas on what to do because I can’t stay with her….. Guys abeg nah...
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