Saturday, 29 July 2017

She Trusted Me (see what happened to her)

There’s this girl whose parents are divorced and she now stays with her strict dad while her mum married immediately after the divorce. This girl who happens to be a virgin, good character and naive revealed something so bad to me yesterday (which is same day this thing happened). She trusts me, takes me as her guidian, she takes me as her brother and everything, although we got to know each other from this ponzi stuff back then and since then, she asked me to be her friend which I agreed. She discusses everything with me, she calls always to seek for advice and so on.

So yesterday, she flashed me, I called her back and asked how she was doing and she said she’s fine and that she wants to tell me sormething, I asked her if its good or bad news and she said its bad almost crying, immediately, I ran outta airtime and she asked me to wait so she can get airtime to call me back.
When she called back, I asked her what it was and she said (I did it today) I asked her what did she do? And she replied ( I had s-x today, I was forced “crying” ) I calmly asked her how it happened and she said her so-called dad asked her to deliver something to a guy who’s 22years of age, And when she got there, delivered it and was about leaving, then the guy asked her to come in and say hi to his sister. Immediately she stepped in, he bolted the door and forced himself on her and after he was done he said he loves her.
I asked her if she’s told her dad and she said no simply because she’s scared of him, ” should parents make their children feel uncomfortable around them? Shouldn’t it be the other way round?” I asked her if she struggled or screamed and she said the guy overpowered her and moreover there wasn’t anyone in the compound then.
Now she’s been crying over this and saying she doesn’t know if he came inside her or not, or if she’s contracted a disease or something, and that she never dreamt of losing her virginity in such manner. She said she trusts me and that’s the reason why she told me so I can help her, but as her father doesn’t know about this do I have anything to do in this

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