Thursday, 20 July 2017

Tips on how to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

Most people are afraid of going into long distance relationship due to several reasons best known to them. Most people feel long distance  won't last long like the short distance relationship .I know someone who dated a girl for 2 years, they only saw twice(she was faithfully).
Here are some tips to help you.
1) See it as an Opportunity:
If you want to live together, you first have to learn how to leave alone or apart.

2) To get some ground rules to manage your expectations :
It helps you set some ground rules so that none of you will do things that will make the other person be surprised.

3) Try to communicate regularly: it helps the relationship to show and love stronger.

4) Talk dirty with each other: its very important, It makes the relationship fun.

5) Try not to get into bad or dangerous situation.

6) Do things together: even though you are far from one another, always find time to spend with each other.

7) Both of you should have a common goal in mind.

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