Life of a fucker. Episode 16.
So i’m officially single like 1. Although i have bang mates but we all need that special one. So i went fishing on facebook and i met this fine girl although it took a long time for me to decide if she was a polio patient because of the way she posed for pictures, well i concluded she she was not because she was too fine to be one. So we met at a restaurant on a certain Sunday. She walked to where i stood outside the restaurant looking all posh, i was sure i had met my second missing rib. Chinaza was the first, for my own convenience, i decided God had removed two ribs from me, so it’s a little wonder i’m always searching for girls but with the way i’m running after them, i think its safe to say i don’t even have a rib.
As usual, she was fair, please don’t criticise or call me a racist, you see, my mother is fair and i love her so much, so i think that’s why i love girls that are fair like she is. By the way, i’m dark but not so dark shaa.
She seemed to have recognized me on the spot, as she walked up to me, i was astonished, i believed God had forgiven me and had rewarded me for Chinaza’s betrayal. We had a wonderful time in there and to crown it all, she paid for our meals. You needed to see my reaction. I knew instantly that i had hit a goldmine. She had invited me to her house the following week and i was more than too happy to go.
They lived in an exotic story building. Judging by what i saw, her father was rich and the whole environment reeked of it. We had sat in their parlor as she showed me an album of their family pictures. She wore a hot mini skirt and a white singlet with no bra on and this exposed her fair robust breast to an extent. She sat on my legs as we watched the pictures, the atmosphere was so romantic that my Prick couldn’t help but stand at an attention. I couldn’t wait to finish the damn album and fling her upstairs. Then we heard a car come in. I had expected her to freak out, i mean, her parents are back and she’s not supposed to be seen with a guy at her age. She just got up and strolled to the door, i watched her ass as she moved and i was tempted to run after her and grab her from the back.
She came in first chatting away with her father who was behind her. Then her father came in full military uniform.
The uniform was the least of my problems. I was supposed to Stand up and greet him naa, afterall i was in his house but for where, any wrong move i made would reveal my already oversized prick. I was sweating internally and externally as her father observed me over his glasses as one would observe a fault in his appliance. I crossed my left leg over my right leg and then the other way round again all in a frantic effort to hide my attention.
“Good afternoon sir” i managed to say while still seated with the album over my laps
“Good afternoon, how are you “.
“Fine sir”
Then Precious introduced me as her friend. The man was cool with it so i relaxed. We all sat in the parlor as Precious continued showing me the pictures, i made sure i stayed At least 2 feet from her and peeked at the pictures, to avoid stories that touch…
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