Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Life of a F*cker 18+ (Episode 24)


Life of a fucker. Episode 24.
“Dump who” shape asked for the second time as she walked up to us. We just stared at her as she got close to the bed and saw Jennifer.
“What’s wrong with her?, why is she lying like this?”
“Nothing do am, shey we tell you to stay in my room that we were coming” James replied her.
“I wasn’t asking you, i was asking Neche” she said and faced me.
“I don’t really know, we were together when she started shaking and then this whitish something was coming out of her mouth, i don’t know what happened “.
Shape climbed the bed and observed her closer than i or James could ever get. She felt her temperature and did other checks while I just stood there, me and James staring at her.
” she still dy alive? ” I asked
” she don die? ” James asked
“Her body is still warm” She replied us
“But she won’t die naa, eh shape, i should have listened to you when you said she was an Ogbanje”
“chilax naa, let me finish Checking her”.
We stood there watching. I upgraded her to my savior at that instant. We watched her like she had the final say whether Jennifer would live or die. She seemed to know what she was doing from the look of things.
“Bring water and a towel” she instructed. James and i fell over each other while going for the water. The water appeared in no time and soon she was damping her forehead with the wet towel and wiping her face too. She soon rounded up and got up from the bed.
“So? ” i asked
” She’s still breathing, do you know if she is epileptic?”
“Epilepsy kwa, i don’t know o” i said
“Hmm, Don’t worry she will be fine, she will soon wake up” she said and hugged me, ordinarily i would have grabbed every part of her body, but this night was different, the hug was more of a consolation than a flirt but i needed it though. An extra reading seat came in from James room and we all sat, watching Jenny on the bed like a cinema.
5 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes passed, nothing happened. My worry returned but Shape’s calmness kept me reassured.
2 hours later, we were all nodding from sleepiness and tiredness when she moved. I jumped from my seat and watched as she got up slowly, i felt like going over there and hugging her but i checked myself. We all got up and moved to her.
“Are you okay?” i asked her
“What happened?” James asked. Shape just looked.
“I’m fine, just a slight headache”
“Thank God, you scared the hell out of us” Shape finally said.
After much clarity, we bundled her into shapes room where they both were to sleep together, i didn’t need further rough play. I was visibly shaken.
We sat on the bed staring into space.
“Guy i no do again ” i said to James without looking at him.
” Do what?”
“Girls, i no chase again, e don do for me”
“Chinaza nko?”
“Only her”
“Eva?? ”
” And her too, maybe ”
” Cynthia?”
“No no, she’s a devil”
“Precious, Amara?”.
I kept quiet and just eyed him. His face was expressionless but i knew James, it was still on the way and then it came. He fell on the bed and downloaded all the laughter he could find on me, it wasn’t funny at all.
“Guy see as you para, James i don kill person, them go arrest me, my papa go kill me, my mama, hahahahahaha, guy i no know say you can para like this”.
James just laughed me into coma.
“Guy pity me naa, do you know that i French kissed and sucked this girl’s mouth, that mouth wey that thing comot for am, guy i hope say this thing is not communicable o”
And so? If en dy communicable nko?”
“Wetin u mean, if i contact am, you go happy like this, say i go dy fall and dy spit anyhow? ”
” Before nko, at least e better pass Hiv” he said and restarted his laughing bouts
“James, oya begin dy go your room”…….

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