Life of a fucker. Episode 27.
How i met Chinaza, it wasn’t chance or providence, it was Williams.
I had just marked my 15th birthday and i was in my ss1 class while Willy was in ss3. So we were strolling home from school on a hot sunny day. Me and williams, he was rapping to 50 cent’s in da club that was blasting from his first generation china phone and i was giving him the beat with the combination of my throat and lips. Going through our neighborhood like that, a little close to our house we saw a truck packed full with properties.
“its like we have new neighbors ” Willy asked to nobody in particular
” I don’t know” i answered absent minded. I loved music and that track was killing me.
“They better have fine chics ” Willy continued.
” Damn this Chicala is fine” he said as we got closer to the house and i took a look, a girl of about his age stood by the truck, she was chocolate skinned and beautiful in her low cut hair.
“Come lets go and help them” Williams said.
“Why, lets go home, am hungry” i protested but Williams was not the type of guy that makes suggestions, he makes conclusions especially when it was about girls, so my opinion didn’t matter, he just moved inside and i followed him with the bile loading inside me.
“Good afternoon ma” willy greeted a woman we found inside.
“How are you? ”
” Fine ma, my name is Williams Chinedu and this is my Brother Chinecherem, we live around so we decided to come and help” he said and in my mind i was like, who is the we? But i just maintained with an artificial smile. The woman thanked us and soon, we were moving things from outside to inside. Trust willy, he engaged himself only with feminine properties, ones that looked like they belonged to the girl and soon, both of them were talking while i was trying hard not to explode with frustration. I was about to faint From anger when i heard the most beautiful voice i have ever heard.
“Mommy can i take the room upstairs?”
I turned to look at the source of this voice and i saw a young pretty, very pretty girl, light skinned with smooth and fresh body, breasts still upcoming but the figure had prospects of being very curvy in future. She looked at me and shyly ran to her mother. I squeezed my face and smiled inside my heart.
“No, Chinaza you can’t have a room to yourself, you are still small, you will share with Chinelo” her mother replied.
Chinaza, the name stuck to my head like my brain. The energy inside me revamped, i was even ready to move the truck itself inside.
So many eye contacts was established between me and her at regular intervals and in my heart i was like, this one likes me o.
And that was how we unpacked the whole truck. I wasn’t able to talk to Chinaza shaa, i was shy and she was shy. The woman thanked us and said we should come around next time, an invitation both of us hurriedly accepted. We both went home that day rapping to puff Diddy, i need a girl to ride ride ride…
My journey with Chinaza has never been an easy one and it never was. Apart from being beautiful, she was cheeky to people she doesn’t know, especially guys. I was tongue tied at that age so getting a rapport with her was like shaking Wizkid on stage, very possible but difficult. Willy was already missing school lessons because of Nelo and he always dragged me along with him. However, Nelo always came with naza and that made things easier to some extent. Willy and nelo would walk in front with willy’s arm around nelo’s shoulder while me and Naza would walk with a a perfect 2.5 ft distance between us each time.
We talked about nothing in particular, just her class, her school, where they lived and stuffs like that, it was more of a Q&A section and even Naza said i asked a lot of questions but what does she expect when all she does is answer yes or no.
This thing i’m telling you guys moved on for long o. For like 2 months, i was expecting things to fall in place by itself but no show, willy would have helped out but he was too busy corrupting nelo and shaping her into the kind of bad girl he wanted her to be. And as the devil would have it, Chinaza moved into the hostel.
She wasn’t too excited as she told me about it. Me shaa, i wouldn’t say i was too excited, no, that would be mild, i was totally disappointed and mad.
“I will miss you” she said uneasily as we sat together outside their house that night. The way she said it, i never expected it and i really loved it.
“I will miss you too” i said.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” i blurted out so fast.
“Am I your boyfriend before?” she asked in a tone that Flattened my erected Peniii..
“No, i mean like you will love me and i will love you, something like that”. It wasn’t easy saying that and i didn’t find it funny even though she laughed.
“And you are just telling me now, why didn’t you tell me since?”
“I don’t know ”
” Okay, now that we are boyfriend and girlfriend, what next?” she asked again and I regretted asking her out but i was already half gone and there was no backing out.
“I don’t know, maybe we would write love letters and…….. ” i stammered
” And what?”
“And kiss ” i said that with my eyes closed in shame but it was dark so she didn’t see me. She laughed again and said hmmm ok.
We talked for sometime before she stood up to go. I too stood up and without a hint, she hugged me. I hugged back and smiled, my dreams were coming true. We pulled apart and i kissed her, my first kiss. I didn’t know how it tasted, all i know was that i loved kissing her but not the kissing itself, it wasn’t so refreshing or sweet.
“Whats your name again? ” she asked as she was leaving
” Chinecherem ” i answered in a mumu way.
” Chinecherem, I love you but you are not my boyfriend yet, i will tell you my mind later”
“When I come back for holidays” she said and bade me goodnight.
Chinaza, crazy from birth..
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