Life of a fucker. Episode 29.
Moment of recall.
Some girls can be wicked ah swear. So many things have made me come to this conclusion but i will only spill out one, i’m even ashamed of writing it but i will do that anyways.
This happened one time in my first year. James had come home with this kind of girl that made me drool for over a week. She was tall, chocolate skinned and curvylicious. They were all over each other and men i was mean jealous. James had introduced her to me and taken her into his room and banged the door. He didn’t even invite me to help him sample the chic.
From that day, i made up my mind that i was going to get a new chic that looks exactly like James own. For that period, i almost lost interest in Naza, i was going through Facebook, around school and everywhere looking for James’ girl’s clone like it was Gulder Ultimate Search.
So one day like this, James had invited the girl over again and after everything they did in which i was kept out of, i’m not nursing any grudge o, shaa both of us saw her off. In the process of seeing her off, we walked a long distance to her lodge, she was romancing with James on the high way while i was playing temple run on my phone. We got to their gate and while they where kissing their parting kiss, my Eagle eyes spotted what i have been looking for. Walking down the road was this epitome of freshness. From the back, i loved everything i saw, tall like James’ broad, her blue Jean trouser and her white sleeveless top gave her that mighty figure. I left my companions and ran blindly after her.
“Hey” i said as i caught up with her.
“Hi” she said and faced me, the front was perfect, she was beautifully dark and had this gap teeth.
“Sorry to bother you, but i was there minding my business when i saw you strolling down and something inside of me told me I needed to know you ”
” hmmm” she said after a smile.
“Well am Chinecherem and you?” i said bringing out my hand for a shake.
“Chinwe” she replied taking my hand. Hers was soft and delicate.
“Okay, so you stay around here” i asked and she nodded.
So after a little chit-chat and all, i got her number and happily i went home with James.
We talked on phone, i guess i must have called her more than i called Naza and i enjoyed every bit of it. So the day came that she invited me over after much persuasion from me. I had gone with James, he branched at his babes and i went over to mine. The time was 6pm and i had expected to have a little fling with her. I got to her house and met her dressed in this kind of seductive dress that could make a priest forget his vow. We went inside and i sat on the only chair in the room while she sat on the bed. She was beautiful and i couldn’t wait to unwrap her but then, i had to take things easy, after all i had her for the whole night. For like 30 minutes, we were talking and laughing and she was baring everything to me. One thing after another, i moved from the seat to the bed, we snuggled closer and i grabbed her, i kissed her and licked her mouth like it was a mango fruit and squeezed her breast like i wanted to draw milk. We were high and already getting to the point where we were supposed to yank off our clothes, then we heard a loud knock on the door. Adjusting ourselves, she went to the door and this guy came in. I don’t know how many people here that have watched game of thrones, if you have and you knew Khal Drogo, yes the hefty one, you wouldn’t be mistaken if you called the guy that came in on us his Junior brother. Tall, huge, macho, his chest alone was bigger that nicki minaj’s breast and biceps were 5 times my own. He was dark and had a mean face with a mean bear bear. My little mind was telling me that i was boiling in a soup pot. The guys small mouth didn’t even look like something that could forge out a smile.
So who is this one” he asked observing me as i sat there handling my phone and sweating. Chinwe looked at me like i just appeared there and spread her hands.
“I don’t know o, he just came in and said he wanted to tell me something”.
I almost nearly farted. I looked at her with my mouth open like the gate of hell.
“My friend who are you and what do you want with my girl “the guy asked spreading his hands which made his massive biceps shake like the ass of a woman twerking. I swallowed hard
“Brother, am a member of the Jehovah witness”.
The thing just dropped out of mouth before i could shut it.
“Jehovah witness?” he asked and i nodded.
“What is your name? ”
” Brother Isreal”.
“What did you bring for us? ”
” The word of God” i said and eyed Chinwe who just boned her face like she didn’t know why I was there. That girl will be a good contract killer, Walahi.
“Where is it?” he asked as he sat on the seat facing me.
“Well, a chapter of the Bible told us that, for God so loved the world that he gave us………. “. He raised his hand indicating me to stop.
” I don hear that one before, tell me another chapter ” he said and my sweat tripled.
” No that’s the one i want to talk about, it deals with salvation and my topic and inspiration is driven from that particular chapter “. I was even surprised at what was coming out of my mouth.
” Eeeh, ok naa continue ” he said, and for over 15 minutes, i was preaching the Bible that i don’t even have a personal copy, of course all my citations were without chapters or verses, how can someone like me from a family like mine know what a particular chapter of the Bible said. I cooked stories and preaching tire. At a point, all of us relaxed o, the guy was just nodding, in my mind i was like, since i couldn’t bang this girl today, make i kuku convert them naa. Finally the baba later free me shaa, straight from the lodge, i walked direct home, i didn’t even bother to check up on James or his new babe. I just ran to my house and straight to sleep.
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