Friday, 15 September 2017

Life of a F*cker 18+ (Episode 32)


Life of a fucker. Episode 32.
Stupid little things can go a long way in influencing a big part of our lives. So me and Chinaza decided we needed minor break. Funny thing was this was coming not up to a month after I had pledged to love her until Christ’s second coming. The cause of the break up was something as insignificant as I love you. I don’t usually like chatting with her on whatsapp because we always end up fighting, so whatever we want to say each, we do it over phone calls and that’s it. On a day like this, i decided to compliment a picture she uploaded on her whatsapp profile where she wore a cloth that brought out that perfect shape in her, her ass protruding and boobs standing like Kilimanjaro. I must confess she looked awesome in it, all thanks to her beauty and curves plus camera360 and picsart. So i chatted her up. We talked, i asked her if I could hold her waist, she sent a smiley and said its mine. Well we got kinky, everything we usually did in my room, on my bed, we did it there on whatsapp, we didn’t exchange pics shaa, i don’t like the idea of seeing things that i can’t actually access. Well our chat was wonderful for a very long time, i was just conscious of the point where we get to argue but it didn’t come, surprisingly, the chat was about to end on a good note. We both got tired and decided to go to bed, we both said Goodnights and just then, it came.
“I love you baby” i said abi texted
“love you too” she replied
“Put ‘I’ there ” i said
” How?” she asked
“Say i love you too and not love you too”
“Hian, biko take it like that”
“No, you gats to put it for me to know it came from your heart, that love you too isn’t romantic enough”
“neche if you can’t take that one, leave it”.
For no reason, i was getting angry at this little drama, she too wasn’t helping matters. Naza was bad mouthed and also bad fingered. Well we argued and i insisted on the ‘I’ before love you and she too stuck to her high horse. In the end, i told her that if she didn’t comply with my demands then the relationship will have to be in traffic jam for the time being. Well Naza being who she was, she just said ok. Our chat ended and our affair too. I wanted to teach her a lesson, i wanted her to miss me, maybe then she will come to harken to all my demands. Well shaa, it turned out that i was the one being taught the lesson, i don’t know if she missed me or not but i know i so much wanted her to come and say sorry so we can continue but then, naza decided to teach me lessons.
Early the next day, i switched on my data and ran straight to her whatsapp contact, found her online, a look at her profile again made me want to end the quarrel but i wasn’t prepared for the heaps of laughter she would drop on me. Hmmm, pride was just about to destroy my relationship gan.
I was really moody for days, yes, our beef lasted for days. And in my mind, i was considering that some one must have made naza realize how beautiful she was for her to be doing shakara for me like that. She obviously didn’t tell shape about it and i also didn’t want to tell her. Well shaa, i can’t come and die over Chinaza when i have Eva and others to think about. Crazy Eva, she came back to school three good weeks after resumption. We shaa, i missed her and she missed me too. She told me for the first time in her life, she had made a new year resolution. She was going to upgrade from being my bang mate to my girlfriend, now that was funny but the other funniest part was that she had declared no sex for us until she had accomplished her aim. Now that was some sick poo. So who do i run to? Shape is a virgin, Cynthia is the devil’s personal assistant, Jennifer was, well anyway, i wont even let her number step foot in my contact talk more of she herself into my room. So this was my case.
“i thought you loved blowjobs” i asked Eva the day she came to my room.
“Your sperm is not sweet, i don’t love blowjobs, i just love you and the Mouth Gig was a package that came along with it” she said as she did her best not to get entangled with me, she was practically brushing my hands off. Hmmmm, Evangeline was brushing my hands off and i thought this year was going to be an interesting one. Now see, Eva was a beautiful girl, undoubtedly, the type that you would like to introduce to every one you know but then again, i already have everything i want in her in Chinaza, though she could be more hardcore but then, you can never manage the two of them at a time, you will just wake up one day and die away. I thought we were both content with the our affair of fuckery until she told me about her new year resolution. The offer was more than tempting but then, the Apple Eve ate was also tempting.
We spent that day dragging on and on, i gave her a thousand reasons why our present arrangement was the best and she gave me a million reasons why we shouldn’t be fuvking when we are not dating. Shaa shaa, she went home and the only thing she gave me was a hug that lasted only 5 seconds. Immediately she left, an idea struck me, i picked my whatsapp and updated my profile picture with a very sexy, Seductive picture of Eva, i was hoping she would see it and At least let me have a little poke, even if she doesn’t let me cum inside her, at least, i can manage. 3 minutes after I uploaded the picture, my whatsapp notification binged, i checked and got a real shocker, a positive shocker.
“I love you too”. That was the message and it was from Chinaza. Hehehe, chinaza have finally mellowed.
“Hmmm, for real?” i sent to her.
“Yes, i’m sorry” she texted.
“Ok, thank God you finally get small sense” i said and added a smiling emoticon
“Thank you, can you now remove that picture before i get annoyed”.
I should have known. Lolol.

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