Life of a fucker . Episode 17
It soon became a game of show off between me and Chinaza . The way the stupid new dude was always flashing his car around each time he came to see Chinaza was getting on my nerves . Chinaza too didn’ t misuse any opportunity she had to torment me . She would flash different views of the guys on her whatsapp dp . So i decided i was going to show her my new catch . Hehehehe , precious was cute and would make any girl jealous of herself.
I and precious had gotten to a point where we no longer felt uneasy around each other, we had even gotten close to having sex once but i gave the excuse that we should give ourselves more time to adjust but then my main reason was i didn’ t want to be caught pants down by a military man banging his daughter, God knows i wasn’ t ready for any military drills and with the way the man ’ s waist bulged , i suspect he carries pistols around .
So i decided i was going to invite Precious over to my house. I had managed to lie myself out of taking part in my father’ s farming business with the excuse that i was going to be busy with school assignments . Who gives assignments at the end of a semester? Shaa my popsy believed me . All i had to do was observe everyone ’ s calendar and figure out the day everyone would be out of the house. As i Waited for that day , i resorted to spending my spare times at Precious house . She knew how to have fun and that kept me away from sleeping with her for the time being .
I was with her on a day like any other day , we were in her room watching porn in my phone when we heard their door open downstairs . She got up and ran down while i adjusted my trouser which had already shifted to one side and lay down on my stomach facing the wall. Seconds later i heard the door to the room open .
“Who was that ?” i asked without turning back .
“hello ” an entirely different female voice said. I got up only to see Eve staring back at me . Yea Eve , remember Eve my nutty naughty course mate Eve , yea , it was that Eve .
“Chiboy ! ” she shouted
” Evangeline what are you doing here ?”
“I should be asking you that , what are you doing in my cousin ’ s room ” she asked and came to sit by me on the bed . There was this connection that existed in my neighborhood which i hated so much , where all the girls knew each other one way or the other, you can ’ t date one without the others knowing and you can ’ t cheat on the one you are dating with another one without others finding out and telling the one you are dating , that was the case here .
So Precious and Eva were cousins and so what ? Its not like there was anything i could do about it, Eva wouldn ’t mind seeing me with someone else as far as her interests are well protected , precious on the other hand may mind and her father may mind more than she does and i should really mind her father minding about it for my sake but then that is nothing compared to what you are about to find out .
So the day came and i was alone in the house. I called precious over . She got to the junction that led into our neighborhood and informed me . I knew before hand that Chinaza was at home and i intended frustrating her back . I went to bring in Precious with the greatest swag i could find in my wardrobe . I slowly passed Chinaza’ s house to ensure that she saw me and to my luck , she was at the front . I breezed pass their house and straight to where precious was . I hugged her, put my hand around her hips and we started heading back for my house. Just as we were approaching naza ’ s house, she appeared from the gate . She started running towards us with her hands spread for a hug . I assumed she was up to something mischievous and i readied myself for whatever it was . I steadied myself for the hug she was coming for , i had acted out the script in my mind , i was going to oblige her the hug and then introduce Precious to her as my sweetheart , i assumed this was going to hit her hard and i was glad with it.
Chinaza ran up to us , walked pass me and engaged Precious in a tight hug . I was too dazed to even know what else transpired there. They both walked hand in hand into Naza ’ s house as i stood and watched .
If Naza doesn ’ t kill me in this world , i will kill her. One of us must die
Click the link below to read episode 18
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