Friday, 21 July 2017

Benefits of kissing and reasons to Kiss

Kissing is a uniquely human trait that's said to have emerged as a way to pass germs from one person mouth to the other , ultimately building immunity. But that's rather unromantic, isn't it? While it seems plausible that kissing would have an underlying biological function, there's also no denying its role in bonding or our overall health

Improve Cardiovascular Health:
It is because that it can keep the blood pressure and cholesterol at a very low level. kiss could decrease stress, cholesterol levels and increase relationship satisfaction. More understanding, kissing passionately makes the heartbeat revved with a healthy pattern, which then helps in dilating the blood vessels in which the blood flows in a good way and solid ways to all the vital organs of the body. And when kissing, hormone called Adrenaline is released from the body, which helps improve heart health by making the heart pump more blood throughout the body. This means the blood pressure will be regulated at lower levels and the blood circulation will be well controlled.

Relieve Pains:
Another benefits of kiss is relieving the pains, particularly the headaches, back pain, and menstrual pains.
After a hard working day, you may do suffer from a little back pain. In this case, you should take 2 kisses in order to skip the pain decreased. The reason is that kissing releases some (natural) chemicals called endorphins in the body, which is more potent than the narcotic morphine used to relieve pain.
So better start kissing.

Fight Cavities:
A lot of people do no know about this benefit. Kissing helps in Fighting cavities  because when kissing, the production of saliva increases in the mouth, which helps in washing away plaque on the teeth's, known as a cause of cavities in the teeth.
Moreover, the bacteria causing cavity is able to be transmitted through a kiss, particularly when the partner has poor oral habits. And it has been proved that bacteria causing cavity can spread from one to another during kissing

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